Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Guardian: Dark days for a liberal beacon -

Is The Guardian going bust?

Do we blame the management and board or do we blame the customers, paying and non paying?

The Guardian: Dark days for a liberal beacon -

Monday, April 25, 2016

Why much more is needed to avoid catastrophic climate change | Shane Tomlinson - China Dialogue

Staying below 2degree rise isnt going to be easy, why much more effort is needed by 2020>

Why much more is needed to avoid catastrophic climate change | Shane Tomlinson - China Dialogue

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Microsoft’s Nadella taps potential of industrial internet of things -

The core promise of the value chain, the SCM and ERP integration that I worked on in the late 90's and advocated so strong back there, that comes to be with the IOT at an industrial level. Im not sure amazon and google can do what Microsoft can do but SAP and Oracle and the machine makers and industry information brokers all have to want to play ball, so lets see will it be soon or will it be post 2020?

Microsoft’s Nadella taps potential of industrial internet of things -

Friday, April 22, 2016

Why GiveWell is rethinking its approach | Devex

Why GiveWell is rethinking its approach | Devex

As a follower of the developments in this area and in particular as a follower of EA - Effective Altruism and its movement through Oxford Uni etc and their alignment to I find this new development below very interesting. It has always been apparent that it would need to evolve and grow, morph and reposition beyond just malaria, deworming and giving directly as there are so many more interventions and progress on and needed in the area's of the 8 MDGS and now 17 SDG's. Id love to see them pick up on nutrition, TB, education and other needs. I know their research expertise is good so lets wait and see!

Why GiveWell is rethinking its approach | Devex

Monday, April 18, 2016

IoD: Schools are in danger of being turned into ‘exam factories’ -

So true! What to do! Re Sir Ken Robinsons TED talk and RSAanimate series!

The IoD recommends, in a new report, removing political interference from the education system and leaving the curriculum to a body of education experts and businesses.

The “Lifelong Learning” report highlights concerns that UK education policy is turning “schools into exam factories, squeezing out creativity and the joy of learning at a time when these very attributes are becoming increasingly important”.

It added: “Worryingly, the skills that are easiest to teach and test — method and recall — are also the easiest to automate.”


IoD: Schools are in danger of being turned into ‘exam factories’ -

Sunday, April 17, 2016

3 Videos on the Importance of Empathy | Edutopia

Keeping perspective, as everyone has too!

3 Videos on the Importance of Empathy | Edutopia

well worth the watching!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

US economy in charts: gloom versus data -

There is perception, discourse, data and reality! Which one holds its head above water longest? We will see!

US economy in charts: gloom versus data -

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Macron’s ambitions accelerate with new political movement -

The twists and turns of politicians and countries in Europe. One to watch in next 5-10 yrs!!

Macron’s ambitions accelerate with new political movement -

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

World Health Day: Fight diabetes, fight TB – INIS Blog

#TB and #Diabetes two diseases I follow carefully, means this article stands out well

World Health Day: Fight diabetes, fight TB – INIS Blog especially on the day that the WHO and the press are flagging the impact of diabetes around the globe >

"Unfortunately, non-communicable disease and infectious disease are often treated separately, with little collaboration across sectors. TB and diabetes are closely connected, and must also be considered in the Sustainable Development Goals framework. In a special series on the TB/diabetes synergy, The Lancet noted connections with at least seven of the SDGs. “Addressing diabetes and tuberculosis will be a welcome initiative towards recognising the important interactions between communicable and non-communicable diseases and reducing morbidity and mortality.”

The Real or The Other: In the light or in the shadows!

Two very good examples of what do we know, what do they know!

The BBC is too timid. Being impartial on the EU is not enough | Timothy Garton Ash | Opinion | The Guardian

In the world of discourse, the construction or narrative and counter narrative, is it possible to unpick the symbolic order we as individuals and as groups choose to live in. What line shows the signifiers or that which we chose to signify, what are the symbols the facts, the stories, how do not only we but they know what is real verses other.

Takes us back to Plato in his cave in The Republic, is it out there or is it in here, or more so in me in my eyes, my gaze, my look!

Monday, April 04, 2016

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News



All are crucial from the bottom up of the MDG and SDG aspiration and action to the top down G8 promises.

Technology particulary the internet but also education is making it increasingly difficult for these bespotic leaders to hide, more to come no doubt

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News The Guardian

Its been a long road and long time coming,drip drip, but yes it matters, in Europe and Africa, despotism based on hidden wealth, story of history #annonymousCompanies  kills the realt vital part of economies and society ie small business and communities that cant cheat and therefore struggles to compete with the big boys.

In detail

The use of technology to uncover things is one of our greatest routes and accelerators of progress!
From on high and bottom up via citizen involvement. The use of tools such as and have the public help in these projects is another interesting angle too! Then there is also and many many more uses of technology and people to blow holes in the wrongs of the world out there!

Microsoft indulges creative impulses in pursuit of next big thing -

AI chatbots and Amazon’s Echo - we will see!

What about the real problems people face today, in health in child education in looking after their future, in serving others!

Microsoft indulges creative impulses in pursuit of next big thing -

Sunday, April 03, 2016

IMF weighing exit from Greek bailout -

Oh dear, Greece and the Euro/Germany with or without the IMF?

""The Greek government asks the IMF for explanations whether pursuing the creation of bankruptcy conditions in Greece, just before the British referendum, is the Fund's official position,” Ms Gerovasili said. "

IMF weighing exit from Greek bailout -

Delusions of objectivity -

Tim Harford, as good as ever!

"It is hard to combat naive realism because the illusion that we see the world objectively is such a powerful one. At least I’ve not had to worry about it too much myself. Fortunately, my own perspective is based on a careful analysis of the facts, and my political views reflect a cool assessment of reality rather than self-interest, groupthink or cultural bias. Of course, there are people to the left of my position. They’re idiots. And the people on my right? Maniacs."

Delusions of objectivity -

Friday, April 01, 2016

Marc Benioff and Richard Branson do a Bteam ppt with tweets in it!!

Well who would have thought any sane person would think people would want to flick through a powerpoint based largely on twitter tweets>

Still you have to view this through your own filter, as with everything, but its from a globally successful entrepreneur and you know - he means it!

It started way back when he was little ie startup, he talked a little about it when he was sub-1billion and he talks about it now "1-1-1"

May the FORCE be with you!

All from these guys and the to to to you and the bottom billion!

China: Political and economic reform - heads up on in the sand?!

Political and economic reform in China has been on theagenda for over a decade. The opportunity to do it will not pass but will it happen in a sensible way or will china revert to its usual breakdown before recognising that central all powerful leaders and control is always likely to end in tears, and not just for China!

“One can’t help but notice how the tactic is backfiring,” said William Nee, a China researcher for Amnesty International in Hong Kong. “Conducting an aggressive manhunt against anyone allegedly involved in commenting on the letter only serves to put more attention on the letter, giving it a longer shelf life.”

Bishop agrees. China’s international reputation is only being harmed by the overreach, he said.

“If there were a Golden Boot for own-goals,” he said, “China would win it every year.”

'Not fit to lead': letter attacking Xi Jinping sparks witch-hunt in Beijing | World news | The Guardian