Friday, December 15, 2017

CrispR and Nanobots great gifts for future christmas's!

2017 has been a great year, 2018 is going to be even better!!

#nanobots #crispr

Bitcoin scalability and real time execution

Just when you think its time to get out its already too late:

2018 is going to be a great year for investment in the UK and aborad!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

2018 and beyond - look forwards!

A wee video with a little spin worth a watch!
2018 will be a continuing test lab for the next phase of AI, machine learning, CrispR and Quantum computing. The physical, biological futures so that by 2020 its metal will be tested and by 2030 we will begin to understand how far this will go in our lifetime.
Just as difficult to imagine as was being imagined in the early 70's when digital computers were being imagined and in the 80's as PC's became possible and in the 90's as the wackwackwack of the www was being imagined and in the 00's when mobile began to carry forwards.
Exciting times ahead for the biggest problems