Tuesday, April 28, 2020


So many aspects of everyday life have changed because of this one disease and so the dataset before it arrival and after its arrival and hopefully its eventual eradication is going to be incredibly useful for healthcare analysts and others.

I still view https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus on an almost daily basis and follow GAVI, The global Fund and CEPI closely for the latest news on this disease and its relationship to the wider issues of the world, for example www.globalgoals.org

Recent progress like https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/27/world/europe/coronavirus-vaccine-update-oxford.htmlis very encouraging.

Other insights on area's like the environment also stand out https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-lockdowns-effect-on-air-pollution-provides-rare-glimpse-of-low-carbon-future-134685 along with measures like http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/?sfns=mo and

This is a good short summary, perhaps one of the best https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/immune-system-fight-off-disease-coronavirus-covid19-pandemic/

and the story on India is surprisingly good https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/india-covid19-coronavirus-response-kerala-uttar-pradesh/

On the effective altruism front finding time to read this is a good move https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/timeliest-book-2020-a-j-jacobs-1e/

It difficult to remember our thoughts going into this and it will be the same coming out of it. I just like to capture a few as they happen as Ive done here and been doing since 2004.