Monday, April 04, 2016

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News



All are crucial from the bottom up of the MDG and SDG aspiration and action to the top down G8 promises.

Technology particulary the internet but also education is making it increasingly difficult for these bespotic leaders to hide, more to come no doubt

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News The Guardian

Its been a long road and long time coming,drip drip, but yes it matters, in Europe and Africa, despotism based on hidden wealth, story of history #annonymousCompanies  kills the realt vital part of economies and society ie small business and communities that cant cheat and therefore struggles to compete with the big boys.

In detail

The use of technology to uncover things is one of our greatest routes and accelerators of progress!
From on high and bottom up via citizen involvement. The use of tools such as and have the public help in these projects is another interesting angle too! Then there is also and many many more uses of technology and people to blow holes in the wrongs of the world out there!


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