Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Young startups - Help with your business plan

The internet is awash with templates to help you. Use them:
This is mfrom the princes trust:

Help with your business plan

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sow now for a bumper business harvest

A very optimistic message from the UK:

It will be good to watch this unfold and look back in five to ten years time. These things always promise a lot but then the output gets lost in fog!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs - NYTimes.com

Lets hear some response from the banking community, its about time!?

Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs - NYTimes.com

...........I loved thsi response as well http://www.borowitzreport.com/2012/03/14/a-response-from-goldman-sachs/

made me think of this old post of mine....

Branson seeks aid for young entrepreneurs - FT.com

Good old Ricard Branson, not that he is alone in doing things like this!

Branson seeks aid for young entrepreneurs - FT.com

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spawning talent.

The cycle from one big success to another is not new, it happened with IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Google and now facebook so it will be interesting to observe the big ones that emerge and its probably not the one people pick


Im still with www.pinterest.com next!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Women are heroes!



and we all win when we focus on and deliver MDG3

Thanks Ladies!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Daily creative blast

I go to www.Pinterest.com first thing every morning and you get such a creative blast of the internet, it unreal sometime. A picture speaks a thousand words, so thousands of pictures just sing out loud!

Nick Horslen / Pinterest

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Global poverty: A fall to cheer | The Economist

Global poverty: A fall to cheer The Economist

This is exactly why www.globalpovertyproject.com is so exciting and important, it is this generation who can make extreme poverty a thing of the past and just imagine where the next generation will be free to put their effort and resources into then!!

I saw Bill Gates and Hans Rosling present in support of #thegpp and #gppambassadors and just had to get involved and now I find its even more exciting and impressive what they are doing, what can be done and what has been done.




Entrepreneurs urged to shoot for the sky - FT.com

Entrepreneurs urged to shoot for the sky - FT.com

"....Being at Google gives you that opportunity to get a perspective on how big something can be,” says Graham Cooke, one of four ex-Googlers who cofounded QuBit, a website optimisation company. “We all had that aspiration to build a billion-pound business in our blood. That ties into your management style. I’ve seen a step change in the UK – people are thinking big.” ....."

Monday, March 05, 2012

Screw Business as usual!

I think you might find i was the first person to tweet capitalism24902. Well i finished the book by Richard Branson and the stories it tells and examples it gives are inspiration for those that care about people profit and the planet. Read it!