My mate Bill, a walking encyclopedia of music since the 60's: as handy as a bag full of spanners at a bikers convention - we join up for reading festival every year!
Welcome to an eclectic mix of links that matter the most to me. They represent things in my life and work as a portfolio worker, an employer, employee and mentor: An investor in the widest sense. I hope you find the links thought provoking as I make my journey. Thanks for joining me!
My mate Bill, a walking encyclopedia of music since the 60's: as handy as a bag full of spanners at a bikers convention - we join up for reading festival every year!
Check out my and others twitter posts on reading2009 http://twitter.com/nick_horslen use tweatdeck for best viewing of all the posts Aug28, 29 and 30th!!
All Things Video AllThingsD Plastic electronic paper! The wifi wi-max newspaper and magazine, the replacement of that stackof business docs and more to follow on from the e-book race and things like Amazon Kindle and Sonys electronic ebook reader
more news on those green mean motor amchines.
FT.com FT Energy Source Bjørn Lomborg answers your questions on geo-engineering and the cost of avoiding climate change: "Bjørn Lomborg, the author of ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’, now believes reaching an agreement at Copenhagen is vital. His Copenhagen Consensus has published a paper calling for geo-engineering measures, such as deflecting sunlight from the face of the earth, to be considered. Lomborg answers readers’ questions below."