Monday, August 31, 2009


My mate Bill, a walking encyclopedia of music since the 60's: as handy as a bag full of spanners at a bikers convention - we join up for reading festival every year!

Reading festival 2009

Check out my and others twitter posts on reading2009 use tweatdeck for best viewing of all the posts Aug28, 29 and 30th!!

30 years since i saw led zep at knebworth and i still enjoy the festivals every bit as much!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All Things Video | AllThingsD

All Things Video AllThingsD Plastic electronic paper! The wifi wi-max newspaper and magazine, the replacement of that stackof business docs and more to follow on from the e-book race and things like Amazon Kindle and Sonys electronic ebook reader

This is a company and a technology i have been tracking since the rock band genesis first did a seed investment/angel investment in CDT in the early 90's. Boy its taken years for the vision to come through as product but its as much needed as it ever was. Did you know that the "average life" of office laser printed paper is less than 2 hours, what a waste of paper, ink, time, effort and electricity!

Good for plastic logic and CDT for sticking to their vision over many years, working hard, facing adversity, the real blood sweat and tears of true innovation!! Good luck to them, lets hope they can execute in the market having lived with the constant evolving challenge of executing in the R&D phase!

Charter Cities

beyond ecotowns > Paul Romer Charter Cities

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation | Video on

Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation Video on

EUKN - European Urban Knowledge Network - What makes an eco-town?

EUKN - European Urban Knowledge Network - What makes an eco-town?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 / Companies / Automobiles - Rivals jostle in the electric car charge

more news on those green mean motor amchines. / Companies / Automobiles - Rivals jostle in the electric car charge
Good on Tesla, they have them all moving now!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 | FT Energy Source | Bjørn Lomborg answers your questions on geo-engineering and the cost of avoiding climate change FT Energy Source Bjørn Lomborg answers your questions on geo-engineering and the cost of avoiding climate change: "Bjørn Lomborg, the author of ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’, now believes reaching an agreement at Copenhagen is vital. His Copenhagen Consensus has published a paper calling for geo-engineering measures, such as deflecting sunlight from the face of the earth, to be considered. Lomborg answers readers’ questions below."