Thursday, April 26, 2007

Inspirational character

Im blown away by the fact that a number of the UK fellows of the Kauffman Foundation (entrepreneurial centre) that im fortunate enough to be in touch with (having sat on a panel for them at Imperial College), they have all mention Dean Kaman when emailing me from the States, he obviously made a huge impression on them and they have met many of the best from business and places like Harvard while out there.

Dean is recently well known for the SEGWAY but i personally never knew how prolific an inventor, entrepreneur and all round great mind that he is till i heard from the students and checked the web, he's definately worth reading about:

He's added to the world and to peoples lives from medical devices to solving water supply problems in the 3rd world!

Just look at his list of patents

Ive picked up on Dean here just because Im so impressed by these UK student-entrepreneurs who have gone off to the Kauffman foundation as fellows, they are great guys and have a fantastic opportunity now, they were inspired when they met Dean. Its because of them that i looked into Dean, Im glad i did, he is an inspiration.

Do please tell me of your inspirational entrepreneurs, inventors and leaders.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Must do better!

I must find some local info like these sites:

all opportunities for progress and entrepreneuring!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Social Enterprise in full swing

These are just a few useful links for anyone interesting in furthing activies regards social enterprise and social entrepreneuring ie from raising finance to learning and collaborating:

[Note: Many thanks to issue 739 april9-15 of the "Big Issue" the worlds largest and most succesful soical enterprise, helping the less fortunate help themselves, buy a copy on the street next time.]

Heres a couple of other links there's plenty out there to help you:

The leadership of the likes of and Black and Green chocolate points to where new business, management and leadership is going in the future thanks to the new generation.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

From planet MARS or what!!

Tesla Motors and SpaceX, great story, just love it! Thanks!

Hot for all the right reasons as per the link words in the title of my blog. Lucky me!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The one to watch

In the world of social computing, this is the one to watch just like MySpace and YouTube were.

Built off of the idea's of the portal and vertical portal, the need to be free, the need to be useful, the dynamic of the "long tail" and the need to be big or to leverage as web2.0 faces the past and the future.

Power to the people!