Friday, March 31, 2006

Shell LiveWIRE - Meet the finalists

Shell LiveWIRE - Meet the finalists

B-Inspired, there are lots of good resources in here for young entrepreneurs!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dealing with difficult employees - tops the issues list for small business.

Dealing with difficult employees

Halliwells and Personel today you could say would rank this so high. As this items goes on to say:

"...In the Personnel Today and Halliwells survey, topping the list of employees who give the most headaches came the bully and the liar, while easily the most commonly cited was the moaner – someone who perpetually complains about petty issues such as lighting or heating, taking up excessive company time and demoralising colleagues. ..."

Its worth reading, among all the other challenges to get your business going and knowing the challenges for any startup in employing its first people! Its about dealing quickly with the good and the bad of your own learning process and decision making. Its all about taking a lead, showing some leadership and encouraging the leadership in your business. Time is too short to deal with all the other important stuff to let this get in the way. Deal with it before it deals with you.


AND...Make sure its not the reverse for your staff ie dealing with difficult employers!

Monday, March 27, 2006

NCGE - Flying Start; entrepreneurism should start young!

NCGE - Flying Start

In the US >20% of new graduates get involved in starting up new businesses, in the uk its <5%, what can we all do to help our students in the UK I wonder?

Friday, March 24, 2006

BBC NEWS | Technology | Wikipedia study 'fatally flawed'

BBC NEWS Technology Wikipedia study 'fatally flawed'

very wiki interesting - the truth is out there, where is it?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Weather Makers: What Can I Do About Global Warming?

Read another book sometime this year!

The Weather Makers: What Can I Do About Global Warming?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sustainable advantage

Dont allow this subject to get hijacked, hyped or trashed, take a few minutes to get to know and then think through what you feel sustainability should be. Individual leadership in this area will count for a lot. Building a focused, mutual and collective advantage is the challenge. But the key is your first step, practical and pragmatic, at least thats been my experience so far this year.

Monday, March 06, 2006

when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!

How Not to Get Squeezed : "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" IEEE Patent related advice from the very topical RIM court battle this month!!

By sheer serendipity, this lovely phrase came up in the community i liaise in regarding emotional intelligence and person centric coms, then it pops up in the space where im a VP in the IT industry and "Bobs your uncle" (as we brits say) they then give advice that relates directly to the mentoring start up work that i happen to do in my spare time. For startups; IP, copyright and trademarks discussions are key early considerations which always comes up with my mentees!

The linkage this one phrase has created recently is peculiar and verging on the deja vu for me!!

Still its a great phrase for my mentee's, colleagues, staff and all.

when life hands you lemons, make lemonade! (thanks mary, you know who you are :-) )

Friday, March 03, 2006



now this is cool, has real potential.

If your interested in investing or supporting a starup or if you know the pain and gain of strategic alliances and need a solution just let me or them know.

One to watch!