Thursday, January 24, 2019

Recycling the messages on inequality

With Davos 2019 on it appears Oxfam want to keep on with their meta work away from their roots in oxford for famine relief, pushing on the political and campaign domain as much as ever and the conversation is a good and important one.

However the recycling by the self interest of all sides needs to be seen in the context of the progress over decades as shown in many places but a favorite is:

Understanding the full picture is important and since Picketty book a lot has been said and written and not much has been resolved either way about impact on the most vulnerable and inter and intra country or community inequality.

Here are some interesting reference links from the other side:

so much more research and reading to be done in this area at this precise time as we head for 2020 and then especially 2030 with

Thursday, January 10, 2019

2019 arrived

Its a little remiss of me to realise I didn't post anything in November 2018 or December.
It has been quite a year for so many reasons.

2019 is going to be a very very interesting year for so many reasons. I don't know where to start but I find it worrying to hear that the very fine man, Jim Kim the head of the World bank has decided to step down and go and work for a private sector infrastructure provider.

As a Clinician and a founder of his own TB foundation, Jim is a remarkable man and listening to him speak, both having been in his audience in Washington but also listening to him online is always a pleasure and educational.

I wish him well and ponder why? Perhaps we will find out this year or next decade!?