Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Christine Lagarde’s response to the Wetherspoon beer mats - FT.com#axzz4AF4mnp6f

I think the last three weeks of the referendum are going to get interesting! see...

Christine Lagarde’s response to the Wetherspoon beer mats - FT.com#axzz4AF4mnp6f

I still want to be an "in" but the arguments either side haven't been great, forecasts being just that.

Immigration and economics are not the big issues for the UK in my mind, political competence and especially accountability are and two even minded politicians I draw on for this include Gisela Stuart MP and Frank Field MP:

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FjBkLZN151w and  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dzxU3GJz7AE

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Microsoft to take $950m writedown on smartphone business - FT.com#axzz49T3t0yxL

I was involved way back in 2000 trying to get Steve Balmer interest in mobile moving within the organisation but having worked at Microsoft for 10 yrs and then trying to deal with them from outside it was obvious that his foot soldiers just didn't get it and weren't prepared to be honest about that to him or  others up and down their organisation. Having visited Nokia at that time as well, they were so fixated with Symbian that they just never believed their approach was broken.

I blogged on this way way bak 2005, 2010, just wonder where it goes in the next 5 yrs. Their current phone shows so promise but partnerships and execution will be critical!

Microsoft to take $950m writedown on smartphone business - FT.com#axzz49T3t0yxL

Monday, May 16, 2016

FIN4DEV: Philanthropists can’t eradicate global poverty, but we can make a start | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

Prior to the launch of the SDG's last year the Financing for Development conference in addis adoba pulled much of the work and thinking of many years in this area together. Since then much has been written and started to come together. MOOC's out there from the likes of Coursera cover Fin4Dev they can be found and they should how the wheel can turn when the cogs of all sectors get joined up and put into gear. #Hopeful #SDG #2030

Philanthropists can’t eradicate global poverty, but we can make a start | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sadiq Khan offers new role model for young European Muslims - FT.com

Its a good day for London and a good day for social mobility! London must celebrate Sadiq Khan and we all hope that he provides the leadership for further bold steps in making London proud!

"By voting in Sadiq Khan, the Labour MP for Tooting, the UK capital has provided a much-needed role model for Muslim youth who feel, rightly or wrongly, that they are socially marginalised. Though he is not the only prominent Muslim in the UK, he is the first Muslim mayor of a major western city. The symbolism is important."

Sadiq Khan offers new role model for young European Muslims - FT.com

Will be interesting to see what the European leadership demographic looks like by 2020, 2025 and 2030. I hope Britain and Britain's shows the way!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Musk’s Hyperloop dream takes small step towards reality - FT.com

Like I did with #SpaceX and #Tesla following #Hyperloop will be impressive Im sure. Go Elon Musk!

Ive posted earlier comments if you search Hyperloop

Musk’s Hyperloop dream takes small step towards reality - FT.com

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How Donald Trump has changed the world - FT.com

Clinton will win BUT Is it ordinary people backing him or is it the richer end of the middle classes if not the ultra rich elite?

How Donald Trump has changed the world - FT.com#axzz48FEFh7dY

Themes yes, but what has brought this on? Is it a great trend or was it that no half competent republican stepped forwards knowing they couldn't win, thus left a vacuum for a Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Salmon or Sturgeon to be sucked in. (USA, UK, FR, Scotland, etc). Only time will tell but watching the Ukraine, Austria, Italy, Estonia, Norway and Spain will be interesting in the run up to 2020 regardless of the further inflection from Brexit!


What are those ideas? I would highlight five. First, a rejection of globalisation and free trade. This, of course, is a theme that Mr Trump shares with Bernie Sanders on the left of the Democratic party. Its influence can already be seen in the way in which Mrs Clinton has backed away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that she once championed.

The second theme is nationalism, epitomised by Mr Trump’s slogan of “America First”. In Europe, nationalism implies a rejection of the EU. But the global implications of American nationalism are much more serious since the US underpins the whole international security system and issues the world’s reserve currency, the dollar.

A third idea is the embrace of the notion of a “clash of civilisations” between the west and Islam. Even as President George W Bush launched a “war on terror” in 2001, he rejected the idea that the US is at war with Islam itself. Mr Trump, with his talk of temporarily banning all Muslims from entering the US, has essentially embraced the idea of inevitable conflict between the west and the Islamic world.

A fourth theme is a relentless assault on the “elite”, including Washington, Wall Street and the universities. A populist distrust of elites has been a perennial theme in US politics for decades, if not centuries. But growing inequality, immigration and the financial crisis have driven anti-elite rhetoric to new levels. As a New York billionaire, Mr Trump is an unlikely tribune of the common man. But he has played the card effectively during the campaign.

A fifth and related trend is the denunciation of the mainstream media as untrustworthy and an embrace of alternative, conspiratorial narratives that are flourishing on the internet. Mr Trump, for example, has promoted the baseless idea that President Barack Obama was not born in the US. This embrace of conspiracy theories is pernicious for democracy, which requires some agreement on basic facts as the foundation for debate.

Variants of these five trends are also flourishing on the far right in Europe. The governments of Poland and Hungary are in the hands of parties that preach a Trumpian mix of nationalism, fear of Islam, distrust of the “liberal” media and anti-globalism. In France, Mr Le Pen’s daughter, Marine, is likely to make it to the final round of the presidential election in 2017.

How Donald Trump has changed the world - FT.com#axzz48FEFh7dY

Monday, May 09, 2016

A workplace wiki helps teams get to know each other - FT.com#axzz489CZTYqi

In the post web2.0 world its good to see that wiki still get attention and that its not all just social media sucking up the blogs, tags and RSS pillars of the past. Where are we now web3.0 web4.0 I need to check

"A workplace wiki helps teams get to know each other..........

When staff share information about each other it helps them be more productive.............

............“As we continue to grow, we recognise the increased need for deliberate information sharing,” says Ms Matin, as the company now has five offices across North America. “We can’t rely on accidental hallway chatter any more.”

The wiki holds product information and tools. “It gives new hires the essentials they need when they start: who’s who at Shopify, projects on the product road map, and talks that are being livestreamed across the company.”

A workplace wiki helps teams get to know each other - FT.com#axzz489CZTYqi