Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why worries about China make sense

Why the surprise, the restructuring and removal of state control and corruption has long been known as necessary and while no country or market is clean, washing the dirty laundry within a chosen cliché is the problem not the cure.

China India and South America the same, while Europe, N.America and parts of Asia have their own ongoing job to do.

" The Chinese market is not a normal one. Even more than most markets, this is a casino in which each player hopes to find a “greater fool” on whom to offload overpriced chips before it is too late. Such a market is bound to be extremely volatile. But its vagaries should tell one little about the wider Chinese economy.

Why worries about China make sense -

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Larry Page says he wants his fortune to go to Elon Musk. Alphabet is the next best thing. - Vox

Glad to see the graphic in the article but reading between the lines and the camp propaganda Id like to think they could form their own foundation and show their determination to prioritise and back winners beyond the close family. The more specific they can be about the issues facing the world the more we could really understand their intent, especially at a global development rather than just at a technology level, as important as that is. Would be awesome to see them fund a startup network in Africa or the middle east or provide funding to a chosen field in nutrition, health or education the precursors to economic development when thinking long term. Other than that Elon Musk is a personal hero of mine too, much more so than Eric Schmidt.

Larry Page says he wants his fortune to go to Elon Musk. Alphabet is the next best thing. - Vox

Monday, August 17, 2015

Merkel fights to contain Greece rebellion -

I wonder if the greek people will feel grateful as much as the germans do:

"Greece will also immediately receive €10bn for bank recapitalisation, plus another €3bn in the autumn, subject to the implementation of reforms. There is a further €15bn for bank recapitalisation later this year.

Merkel fights to contain Greece rebellion -