Monday, December 29, 2014

Tsunami2004: 10 years on and your support has left a legacy to feel proud of.

10 years on and your support has left a legacy to feel proud of.

An update from one of the very first posts I made on my blog here, its in the first month of the archive on the right!

Students at a new school DEC member World Vision rebuilt after theirs was damaged by the 2004 Tsunami
From the archive: students happy with the new school DEC member World Vision built after theirs was damaged by the 2004 Tsunami
On Boxing Day 2004 a series of tsunamis killed an estimated 230,000 people and made 1.7 million people homeless across 14 countries. The scale of the disaster was unprecedented. Ten years on we remember those who died, the local communities that first responded and the combined efforts of the global relief teams to rebuild a shattered region. 
The damage caused by this one moment in history totalled over £6 billion and a decade later, we can say with confidence that the outpouring of donations from the UK public saved lives, helped survivors to recover their incomes in strong solid homes, stay healthy and prepare for the next disaster.   

....and more info on the link within that one ie,32LAM,EL8SWC,B13OT,1

Friday, December 19, 2014

10 predictions for 2015 | Nesta

10 predictions for 2015 | Nesta

A couple of these are pretty cool, will be interesting to look back on in future as predictions!

Maybe this one

looking back to 2014 on that top link is also interesting!

10 predictions for 2015 | Nesta

10 predictions for 2015 | Nesta

A couple of these are pretty cool, will be interesting to look back on in future as predictions!

Maybe this one

looking back to 2014 on that top link is also interesting!

Friday, December 05, 2014

BBC News - Viewpoints: Should foreign aid be spent at home?

This is an old article but reflects the debate in the house today:

BBC News - Viewpoints: Should foreign aid be spent at home?

The fact is we spend more on fizzy drink and pet care than we do trying to help one billion people living in extreme poverty, the $1.25 a day poverty that people in the west cannot imaging.

Lets hope our policians #TurnUpSaveLives

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

climate change temperature interactive past and future comparison.

This will be worth a look 10 and 20 yrs time: