Mega trends and short term futurology thats real!
96 seconds of flick through well worth it from a business, gender equality, development innovation perspective!
15 Marketing & BusinessTrends In 2013 That Will Change Your Business
Welcome to an eclectic mix of links that matter the most to me. They represent things in my life and work as a portfolio worker, an employer, employee and mentor: An investor in the widest sense. I hope you find the links thought provoking as I make my journey. Thanks for joining me!
96 seconds of flick through well worth it from a business, gender equality, development innovation perspective!
Applies more widely than just a CIO in a corporation but to leaders far and wide in NGO's and SME's
When gathering opinions or facts about health issues comes up, as it so often does, its good to be aware of the process and methods that go into health care,. Its like all science, its not about "beliefs" its about "facts" and "evidence" and "peer reviews" coming from knowledge, data and understanding AND that is always incomplete because there are always more studies to be done, thats the beauty of science vs a belief system, its not there to be loved its there to be questioned. So in researching anything remember the methods