Saturday, July 27, 2013

A balancing act in corporate citizenship -

It needs debate and risk taking and time!
A balancing act in corporate citizenship -

Chld mortality progress in the last few decades has been amazing

Check out or the unicef or worldbnk website or even youtube on MDG4

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Copenhagen Consensus 2012 | Copenhagen Consensus Center

There is always another angle:

And its good to see their list of priorities to spend $75Bn on!

  1. Bundled micronutrient interventions to fight hunger and improve education
  2. Expanding the Subsidy for Malaria Combination Treatment 
  3. Expanded Childhood Immunization Coverage
  4. Deworming of Schoolchildren, to improve educational and health outcomes 
  5. Expanding Tuberculosis Treatment 
  6. R&D to Increase Yield Enhancements, to decrease hunger, fight biodiversity destruction, and lessen the effects of climate change
  7. Investing in Effective Early Warning Systems to protect populations against natural disaster
  8. Strengthening Surgical Capacity 
  9. Hepatitis B Immunization 
  10. Using Low‐Cost Drugs in the case of Acute Heart Attacks in poorer nations (these are already available in developed countries)
  11. Salt Reduction Campaign to reduce chronic disease
  12. Geo‐Engineering R&D into the feasibility of solar radiation management
  13. Conditional Cash Transfers for School Attendance 
  14. Accelerated HIV Vaccine R&D 
  15. Extended Field Trial of Information Campaigns on the Benefits From Schooling
  16. Borehole and Public Hand Pump Intervention

We will see! Roll on 2015+ and the MDG's!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

P2P lending - Funding Circle

Santander getting in on this shows how fast this area is moving, some of it is just the old wrapped as the new but the innovation from many area's will mould it for sure, lets see:

Funding Circle

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Having been negligent not to mention Tesla this year, here goes with some links on the car not to mention Eron Musk and Hyperloop Hyperloop is real visionairy stuff and as it comes from Mr Musk you can really take it serious!

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Petition: Stand with Malala

MDG2 is getting the push it much deserves from many quarters!

Petition: Stand with Malala

Reach into the computer

A good quick preview! Visualisation being another pet interest of mine!
From bits and bytes, to client server, to the web and rich media, to search-find-try-and-buy of SAAS and the cloud, to mobile, touch and augmented reality the ultimate power of computers is as always with the people! The ultimate game being to connect all people and all knowledge and all intelligence for the human and planetary good. Don't let you imagination be limited, we are only just beginning and Ive been working in this space for decades now!

Jinha Lee: Reach into the computer and grab a pixel | Video on

social graph and now graph search

It will be interesting to see this unfold and how much it can represent "the real" in people!

A Radical New Way to Look at Facebook : The New Yorker

Friday, July 05, 2013

United Nations Foundation - Time to Step Up the #MDGMomentum

This is a great video on the #MDGmomentum, full of hope and intent!

United Nations Foundation - Time to Step Up the #MDGMomentum