Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tesla electric vehicle chargers support long-distance travel | ZDNet

Ive followed Tesla from the start, this seems like another key step from a great innovator:
Tesla electric vehicle chargers support long-distance travel | ZDNet

SEIS & School for Startups UK

SEIS window of opportunity - worth knowing about http://www.schoolforstartups.co.uk/woo/

Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) Windows of Opportunity is a series of FREE events to inform entrepreneurs, businesses and investors about the new types of money and new investment opportunities that exist today.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

LuminAID Lab: A Triple Bottom Line company


What a great story, product, impact!

1.6Bn people in the dark!! Hopefully not for to much longer?!

Links nicely to an earlier post of mine on 13/2/2012.