Friday, July 30, 2010

DCA: freshwater factory

DCA: freshwater factory

parisian firm design crew for architecture (DCA) created 'freshwater factory',
a proposal for the 2010 skyscraper competition.

Very cool, would love to see this happen and to visit it!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Khan Academy: More on Entropy

Khan Academy: More on Entropy

these video's are pretty interesting, if you want to be continuously educated. The internet is so powerful thanks to people!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Britain: Plays well with others / Comment / Analysis - Britain: Plays well with others

Some really interesting angles on the change in politics after a short honeymoon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

web2.0 advice for business

Getting your e-business understanding together and building a strategy to execute on can be a challenge for small business people that do not understand social media and web2.0 so if you wonder about linkedin, facebook, twitter, youtube, blogs, rss, tags, wiki's etc just have a quick browse on google or my archive.

I dont use the business link website much but this looks like a good intro over the area of how to think about web2.0 for your small business:

Video case study: STUDIES&itemId=1082209261&r.t=RESOURCEs