Saturday, February 28, 2009

PopJam: what's all the fuss about? :: Milo Yiannopoulos

user generated content, user generated demand - its the future, its a laugh!
PopJam: what's all the fuss about? :: Milo Yiannopoulos

Friday, February 27, 2009

Capitol Climate Action, March 2, 2009

Brave stuff in America next week with some serious figures from private and govt science community pushing for the protest!

Our kids and grandkids environment IS TOO IMPORTANT!!
Capitol Climate Action, March 2, 2009
AND there are great new technologies that will drive the new economy that will emerge with the economic, social and environmental responsibility to make our descendents future sustainable as per the posts in this blog for the last 5 years.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

FT Enterprise video series worth watching
Andrew Rickmans views on angels and the china suck is interesting for the investor and investee! / Enterprising Britain

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

BBC - Panorama - Theo Paphitis' top business tips

BBC - Panorama - Theo Paphitis' top business tips

I like theo and his panarama program on SME and Banks hit the spot for me!!

[ keyword: entrepreneur, startups ]

Facebook vs Twitter

This is a good little summary for those still learning, investigating, scratching their heads.....
Facebook vs Twitter
Worth reading!

" Different Communication Styles for Different Social Settings
Let’s say you go to a wedding or other social gathering where lots of people know each other. The style and tone of communication there will be more like using Facebook; you chat with old friends and acquaintances, mixing and mingling in an intimate manner. In this setting, people tend to feel more relaxed and “in their element”. Conversations are familiar and center on shared experiences and connections.
Now, when you go to a large party or social event where you don’t know most of the people in attendance, you will use a very different style of communication, more like Twitter; you want to meet people and somehow make yourself known, stand out from the crowd, make an impression, self promote and make new connections. Twitter is like getting the podium and not everyone feels comfortable or knows how to stand comfortably in the spotlight.
In fact, almost all of us, when first approaching Twitter, tend to use it to post useless updates like “Going to lunch”, thinking of it as a another tool to communicate with friends, when in fact, it is more like stepping on to a stage, where you are communicating with an audience and quickly find that you need to find a voice and say something useful and interesting or quickly lose the attention of your audience. People refer to Twitter as a mini or micro blogging platform."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

‘One day’ is today for 18 year old Dean Jeffries

Make Your Mark Blog » Blog Archive » ‘One day’ is today for 18 year old Dean Jeffries
These are the stories that can make the difference for young people WHO CAN!

"With the help of two businesses in the region, it cost less than £320 to help 18-year old Dean Jeffries turn his life around from not having a great deal of burning career ambition to actually setting up his own social enterprise and wanting to take it forward as a real career opportunity when he leaves school. "

Make Your Mark Blog » Blog Archive » ‘One day’ is today for 18 year old Dean Jeffries

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tesla Motors - "$40M financing round"

Tesla Motors - think: Increadible!!

Im so glad i posted on them in 2007 and 2008, here we are in 2009 and there they are in 2010!!


David Merrill demos Siftables, the smart blocks Video on "Siftables"

and then there is

we'll see much more of this next decade!

The TED Conference | The Teddy boys' picnic | The Economist

The TED Conference The Teddy boys' picnic The Economist is something ive posted to the blog over the years, everyone should dive in and watch one of their videos at least as often as they watch youtube!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

RBS SE100 Index : Home

The day they are up in front of parliment and their ex-chairman is asked about "criminal negligence" they launch what looks to be an excellent initiative on social enterprise:
RBS SE100 Index : Home
They have put a real "triple bottom line" feel to it:

" essential new tool that charts the growth and impact of any organisations that deliver social, economic or environmental change ..............."

Entrepreneur TV : interviews with successful entrepreneurs :

An interesting site to keep tabs of:
Entrepreneur TV : interviews with successful entrepreneurs :

Friday, February 06, 2009

go on have a go if your under 30!

Why enter Enterprising Young Brits? Make Your Mark: "Enterprising Young Brits Awards is a great opportunity to get the spotlight shining on you and your venture!"

WebMission08 results out

WebMission08 results out: "Doug Richard (Dragon’s Den): “some of these companies are as good as anything coming out of the Valley”."

some cool stuff listed as links, i like

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

List all quotes - startupstudent
If you need some food for thought here is a good source of quotes and sources that might just act as a trigger. Dont shoot yourself

Monday, February 02, 2009

Page 1: Introduction - 2009 Annual Letter from Bill Gates - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

This is the sort of open approach thats refreshing in the face of political and business leaders failed attempts at leadership in the 21st century:
Page 1: Introduction - 2009 Annual Letter from Bill Gates - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation