SDG, COP21, Business commission
DRAFT Note to self from another FB discussion:
On those issues and add that it will require a focus on each of the 17 SDG's in their own right. Drilling down on each of the 169 targets underneath them and the threads that unite and integrate the whole framework. their video on the home page here shows the importance of numbers so thats a starter for EA. Their chosen theme song as you'll hear is "I WANT TO SEE NUMBERS IN ACTION" thats surely EA. Also the issues of billion$ to trillion$ is also about biggest bang for the buck, incomes AND outcomes, so lots of possibilities. Outcomes are no long earnings in the triple bottom line world of business, not that enough business people thnk that way yet, but EA's can help change that "Doing good business better". An EA approach that both compliments and unpicks some of the priorities set by others would be very useful. There is a 15yrs of road ahead so it doesnt need to be a quick fix but a constant process of discovery and scrutiny. My other thought on what was said online is yes be careful of the CSR spin agents. Top down and bottom up the SDG's have a corporate play from everything to do with all the stakeholders, from being able to attract and retain the best of the young generation of workforce/managers/leaders to attracting the right investors, to, not only serving the customers at the front door of the business but collaborating and influencing all the suppliers in the supply chain at the back door. Its all on their radar, from Reputation (more so than branding) and compliance to market leadership and operational efficiency and effectiveness is key and EA's and SDG's have a role for all corps going forwards. Plenty of good content from the WEF on this, especially through some of the players like Polman and Branson at, McKinsey were in there with them at Davos. - -
Also a pointer to At the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) over 200 of the world’s biggest companies are focused on addressing global commons issues through two key pillars: catalysing systemic change across key economy sectors and changing the rules of the game to ensure that businesses are measured by their true cost, true profits and true value. via next post after this one.
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