Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The loss of a child and the world loses real potential!

People often ask me why do I advocate, speak and post on the issues that I do.

Well the answer is at ONE level my mum - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R1Fglw2TuY - she was an abandoned baby, left in a field in the east end of london in the 1930's, Poverty is thinking you are no one important, she was left thinking that forever! She had almost nothing, little education in WW2 and learnt the piano in street competitions of the east end!!

TWO is because of my sister Tina buried in a field in Guyana having lived with and helped people in the developing world, they had no local healthcare, not the sort too many of us take for granted, a system that prevents early death!

THREE because an abandoned child with little education and the sufferance of generations is not just poverty but its the loss to all of us of the great potential of so many of these people that die before their 5th birthday and never get to shine as we can. My mum died of cancer in the year 2000, she would be so proud of the last 15yrs and Im sure we will all be proud of the next 15yrs >> www.globalgoals.org Shine on you crazy diamonds!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2DGf0z7wqQ Our world, our efforts, our innovations are to be celebrated for all generations past present and future!

Please enjoy my mum, if she was not found non of this would have been possible for me and seeing the news today just reminded me of her as do most events http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/12081900/Moment-Albuquerque-police-officer-finds-missing-3-year-old-girl.html

following her big surprise > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtLmrq6xp2g !


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