Thursday, November 08, 2012

US election predictable! Politics and statistics: March of the nerds | The Economist

I couldn't believe the press were saying that it was so tight and unpredictable.
The mathematical, statistical approach seems to beat the pundit polls:

Politics and statistics: March of the nerds | The Economist

Personally, the fact that there was no one on the democrat side dissenting and there was little real ammunition on the republican side it was obvious that the main stream could see he had done mostly what he said, he was still aiming to stay on course and he had done the best of a job in difficult times.
Why wouldn't they, after all, look who else they re elected in the last 20yrs, its not that difficult especially when its clear that if the economy was poor and is improving and its not your fault then Obama would walk it. He still had to be very smart at the campaign and not be complacent but that was clear too!


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