Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Next generation workforce

The smartest of the new arrivals have one thing on their mind:

Business and the economy in the context of sustainability!

Sustainable in terms of its impact on people and the planet, sustainable in terms of it makes sense "not to choose" the unsustainable AND sustainable in terms of the transition through necessary compliance and ethics and onto innovation where the new market entrants will grow from.

There is so much out there if you just google for it, be that a sustainable search, an ethic search, and eco search and a social enterprise search, even within my past posts there is plenty thats old thats still new.

Think about it!
Be inspired by some of the bright you people wanting to have a go: sign in and watch Priya, Floodstop or Social design concepts for the standby energy saver.

from student entrepreneuring to corp and acedemia the next big wave is happening, dont ride the change, be the change;

Working the new with the old, business with the community, mgmt schools and academia, thats sustainable. Many more links below and in the archive. Enjoy!


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