EU EC Troika and global institions with no reverse gears!
Published on 5 May 2017
What happened in Greece during the crisis? And what happens when you take on the establishment?
In this extensive interview, former finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis, talks about his new book Adults In The Room – My battle with Europe's deep establishment.
In this extensive interview, former finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis, talks about his new book Adults In The Room – My battle with Europe's deep establishment.
In short, in accountable groups with no reverse gear are happy to drive others into a wall so long as they don't have to sit in that car too!
2007/8 GFC, QE, ECB, IMF, EC Troika lack of trust and the rise of extremes in Europe.
He doesn't mention Breixt but he implies he understands why it happened and that it was probably wise.
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