Monday, September 05, 2016

Merkel suffers humiliating election defeat on home turf —

The long brewing politics in Europe, from Greece to Spain, Italy to Ireland, France to Germany is what made many brits vote to get out of the EU. Europe is a great place but each country has to be accountable for itself and the proxy of a few the EU muddles the view too much for too many. If the emergence of forces unfit for Britain took further control staying is would be a real danger. Britain knows what its doing when its allows to get on with its own business. The same is true for all other countries. 2016 is an inflection point for polical nonsense in Europe and hopefully will see core issues of their economies, their unemployment especial of youth unemployment and their roles in world trade come into clear focus for all countries.

Merkel suffers humiliating election defeat on home turf —

both worth a read and revisit in 2020! #Brexit


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