Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FT.com / Business Life - Squeezing the lemon can be fruitful

The entrepreneurial bitter sweet common sense of just keeping at it with those that you know you can help FT.com / Business Life - Squeezing the lemon can be fruitful

“One of the advantages of just keeping on talking to your customers is that they will tell you about things you don’t otherwise know about,”

“We already knew that managing existing customers well was important... and we were pretty good at it,” Abraham says. “However, we didn’t realise how much better we could be.”

“Rather than just discussing what new things we’ve got coming up, and would they like to buy them, we now have them telling us what’s important to them.”

...and their top tips http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5978e300-de69-11dd-8372-000077b07658.html

Especially important in 2009 as things are only going to get harder before they get easier!!


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