Wednesday, December 31, 2008

daily blast for student entrepreneurs!

This is a good one for encouraging you to take time to think each day!
Twitter / startupstudent

Studs Terkel departure is worth reflecting on in 2009!

Do watch the short one minute video, it a lovely message from a very interesting man!
BBC NEWS Entertainment Pulitzer winner Terkel dies at 96

Studs is an inspiration not just for the social history but for the attitude towards change and challenging, an inspiration to any triple bottom line entrepreneur, business, social or environmental!! / Companies / Technology - Companies use Twitter to pack PR punch

Twitter - Humanising a large company in 2008 umm! Roll on 2009!! / Companies / Technology - Companies use Twitter to pack PR punch

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A key issue for the UN to resolve in 2009!!

BBC NEWS World Tutu accuses S Africa over Mugabe

Season 30second elevator pitch

BBC - Today

Saturday, December 20, 2008

image of 2008! Enough said!

Friday, December 19, 2008

UK US collaboration on student entrepreneurship &

All out hopes and our future sit in the hands of our young people and entrepreneurs!
Fluvial Innovations - FLOODSTOP#photostrip

100 top sites for the year ahead: our latest selection finds that location-based services, work-anywhere collaboration and video are prominent | Technology | The Guardian

Well worth a look in December 2008 and then come back to it in December 2009 ;-)

100 top sites for the year ahead: our latest selection finds that location-based services, work-anywhere collaboration and video are prominent Technology The Guardian

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The year 2008 in photographs (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture -

The year 2008 in photographs (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture -

Powerful stuff just to flick thru. I found it as the most posted url on twitter at around 10:30pm UK time today! Powerful!!

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

Web2.0 in 2008 roll on 2009!

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

A bit long for many of us meer business mortals but the top 10 about a third of the way down {Ten Key Aspects of Web 2.0 Strategy} especially number 10 hits the spot as to where things are going!

10. Start small, think big. We have discovered that the leverage the network can give us is almost unlimited. It's ability to scale ideas, products, and communities of users as fast as they are able to is one of the aspects that makes it so attractive to business. 2.0 products tends to be very simple at heart, and though there is certainly challenges and complications growing, small ideas can become big very, very quickly. Getting to the right solutions, not-overinvesting (which leads to complication and heavyweight management and processes) and letting customers and partners take the seeds of great ideas and run with them is what makes sudden success turn into a large-scale success. On the Web, starting small, and thinking big can take you a long, long way. Read more about network effects driven by architectures of participation

Aside of that there are some great charts and illustration to quickly browse to get the picture!

What is Twitter? « Blah, Blah, Blog

What is Twitter? « Blah, Blah, Blog

Watch the rise and rise of http://www.twitter.www/ , Google and others might notice the impact before too long!

Its not in the top few hundred yet on alexa but watch 2009!

A kind of Internet and multi-model SMS TXT messaging service via browsers on all form factors for the blogosphere that make in context search and collaboration smart with its short and sharp approach! Find me aand many more interesting people and communities on it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy 60th Birthday to the UDHR!!

The most translated document in history!
Probably the most influencial document for more people worldwide than any other in modern history!
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Credit Management Matters : BERR Guides

This has a top 10 category and very clear steps to take to make the best of finances in the current climate, shame about the mug shot on it ;-)

Credit Management Matters : BERR Guides

On another current note why not use this festive time of year to review your overall message or story of your business, even this old tale has had a go at a refresh - enjoy :-)
Dont worry im not getting religious on you, just heard this on radio4 and smiled!!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Principles for Responsible Investment - Official Home

Principles for Responsible Investment - Official Home: "An investor initiative in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact" worth reading their annual report as well!

Ethical Top10 for 2008

Looking to wrap the year up, when it comes to ethical leaders, who would be in your list this year??
The 10 ethical leaders highlighted here were nominated by Ethical Corporation magazine’s editorial advisory board.

Here's their view:

Ethical leaders of 2008
pick of the individuals who have done most to advance the cause of responsible business over the year
Barack Obama, US president-elect
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and philanthropist
Richard Lambert, director-general, Confederation of British Industry
Donald MacDonald, chairman, UN Principles for Responsible Investment
Jessica Sansom, sustainability manager, innocent drinks
Howard Pearce, head of environmental finance and pension fund management, UK Environment Agency
Chris Wille, chief of sustainable agriculture, Rainforest Alliance
Patrick Alley, director, Global Witness
John Ruggie, UN special representative for business and human rights
James Hansen, climatologist and head of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies

See their link why:

Id have included Jonathon Porritt

As for who goes at the very bottom, how about Robert Mugabe?

Post me your winners and losers!